Saturday, May 25, 2013

Konopka Answers The FireMonkey Question At Code Rage 7

I did not attend Code Rage 7 but I just learned that Ray Konopka is working on a set of FireMonkey tools. He has not published a date as to when this tool set will be available but I'm glad to hear he's working on one. Here is the Code Rage 7 video that loads at 36 minutes and 2 seconds right where the FireMonkey question gets asked:

Ray Answers The FireMonkey Question At Code Rage 7

Semper Fi,
Gunny Mike

Sunday, May 19, 2013

XE4 Upgrade Decision

I'm currently using Delphi 2010 Professional and it's time to make that upgrade decision . . . again. The first decision I had to make was should I upgrade to Rad Studio XE4 or Delphi XE4. I've decided to upgrade to Delphi XE4.

Now I have to decide which version of Delphi XE4 should I go with, Professional Upgrade ($494.10) or the Enterprise Upgrade ($1,349.10).  That's a difference of $855. So I decided to study the Delphi XE4 Feature Matrix.

The Professional version has three different Optional features:
  • 1 Requires purchase of Mobile Add-On Pack for Professional
  • 2 Requires purchase of FireDAC Client/Server Pack for Professional
  • 3 Requires purchase of Mobile Add-On Pack for Professional for use with mobile apps. Requires purchase of FireDAC Client/Server Pack for Professional for use in Windows and Mac apps.
Each one of Optional features requires a separate purchase:

1. Mobile Add-On Pack for Professional ($494.10)
2. FireDAC Client/Server Pack for Professional ($399.00)
3. Both of the above ($848.10)

For me, Chances are I'd have to purchase the above tems if I went with XE4 Professional. However, the above items are included in the Enterprise version of XE4. So that makes the difference a whopping $6.90.

With XE4 Enterprise you also get
  • Additional UML MODELING
  • dbExpress drivers available for 64-bit Windows InterBase, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Anywhere, Informix, and SQLite
  • dbExpress drivers available for OS X InterBase, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Anywhere, Informix, and SQLite
  • TSQLMonitor support for SQLite
  • DataSnap Mobile Connector support for latest versions of iOS, Android and BlackBerry
  • Several dbExpress server connectivity versions
  • DataSnap capability
  • A couple additional BizSnap pieces
  • Some IntraWeb pieces
So, given my track record for slow upgrades it looks like the best choice for me is the upgrade to Delphi XE4 Enterprise.

Note: The prices quoted came from embarcadero's website store on 05/19/2013.

 Semper Fi,
Gunny Mike