I like the "Code Folding" feature of Delphi. However, I noticed that every time I reopened a project in Delphi 12 where I had previously folded the code, the code was no longer folded.
To keep your code folded in Delphi 12 you need to turn on the Save project desktop when closing option inside the IDE.
Tools > Options > IDE > Saving and Recovering
This option is unchecked in the default, out-of-the-box setup.
Delphi 12 also includes a new feature called Save editor state when closing a tab any time.
Save editor state when closing a tab any time |
When selected, the current state for the views is saved before closing it. State info includes collapsed regions, cursor/caret position, and bookmarks.
This allows you to close and reopen a tab within the same editing session, and when the tab is reopened it will display exactly as it was when it was closed. This is similar to the Save project desktop when closing setting but functions all the time, not just when closing and reopening a whole project. This option can only be enabled when Save project desktop when closing is checked. |
Let me know in the comments what other out-of-the-box tweaks you like to make to a brand new Delphi install.
Semper Fi,
Gunny Mike