Thursday, April 17, 2014

Are Your Software Sales Where They Should Be?

As an Independent Software Vendor running a one-person, part-time business I'm always wondering if sales are where they should be. If I'm honest with myself I say "No". Trying to understand why can be a very difficult.

I rediscovered this article called "If No Independent Developers Are 100 Times Smarter Than You, Then Why Do Some Get 100 Times the Results?" written by Steve Pavlina when he was President of the Association of Software Professionals.

I remember reading Pavlina's article about 10 years ago and thinking to myself this is something that should be read and re-read often. Unfortunately, I forgot to bookmark the article back then and had a hard time finding it.

Last year I joined the ASP and found this article on one of the resource pages. It's still a good read.


Semper Fi,
Gunny Mike