I'm just getting ready to explore chapter 3 of
Cary Jensen's Delphi in Depth: ClientDataSets and I stopped to research one of the DataSetProvider options - poFetchDetailsOnDemand.
So, I highlighted the poFetchDetailsOnDemand option in the Object Inspector and pushed F1. It brings up the woefully inadequate local help reference. I was expecting to see a list of all the options with their associated meanings.
Then I googled
delphi poFetchDetailsOnDemand, not what I was looking for.
So then I googled
site:docwiki.embarcadero.com poFetchDetailsOnDemand
Google Search Syntax:
And... poof... perfect... just what I was looking for.
EMBT should redirect the F1-key to do a web search on their DocWiki and do away with the local help.
Semper Fi,
Gunny Mike