Saturday, September 14, 2024

Delphi Tip of the Day: The Delphi Magazine Total Collection

I'm always looking for ways to improve my Delphi skills. Sometimes, this takes me down a rabbit hole. And each time, these little side trips never answer "Yes" to the question "Will this help me ship?"  

Last week I went down the "global variables are bad" rabbit hole. 🐇🕳

Global Variables Are Bad

I opened my copy of "The Delphi Magazine Total Collection" looking for some inspiration. And, I found a 6 Part series called "Effective Delphi Class Engineering" written by David Baer. I'm slowly working my way through these articles.

Issue: 57 Effective Delphi Class Engineering 1:
Crossing The Chasm

David Baer kicks off a new series of articles aimed at all of us who are reluctant, confused or ill-informed on what object-oriented development is all about. The goal is to demonstrate, clearly and without jargon-loaded obfuscation, how to design, create and use Delphi classes to make your development more productive.
Issue: 59 Effective Delphi Class Engineering 2:
Welcome To The Machine

David Baer continues his series on practical object orientation by putting Delphi’s object machinery under a magnifying glass. He examines topics such as memory management, method calling, protocols and other compiler- related issues.
Issue: 60 Effective Delphi Class Engineering 3:
Skyrocketing Property

David Baer thinks properties are wonderful and this month gives us insights and advice on how they can best be put to use in our classes.
Issue: 62 Effective Delphi Class Engineering Part 4:
The TObject Of My

David Baer focuses on inheritance in this part of his popular series on object oriented development in Delphi.
Issue: 63 Effective Delphi Class Engineering Part 5:
You Are TEgg Man... I AM TWalrus

David Baer has not gone mad (though he may have been listening to too many old Beatles albums!): this instalment of his series continues his practical real-world discussion of polymorphism and inheritance.
Issue: 65 Effective Delphi Class Engineering Part 6:
To Talk Of Many Things

David Baer concludes his series on developing Delphi classes with a miscellany of sound advice, ranging from events to exceptions, RTTI and message handling.

Part 1 of Baer's series of articles, refenced short paper written by Marco Cantu called "When RAD is bad", which I found it on the internet archive.,1714,10463,00.html  

But that's not all I found. I found a download link to the entire "The Delphi Magazine Total Collection Issues 1 - 139 (April 1995 to March 2007)"

Semper Fi
Gunny Mike

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Sell Me This Pen!

OMG! I wish I had known this years ago. The Marine Corps taught me the Xerox Personal Selling Skills 3 (PSS3 = Needs Satisfaction) method. They turned me into a "regurgitator". If I had seen this video in 1994, it would have made a HUGE difference.

Show Me! Don't Tell Me!

HaveDemand your mentor model
the sales behavior for you!

Semper Fi,
Gunny Mike

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Delphi Tip of the Day: How to Keep Your Code Folded in Delphi 12

I like the "Code Folding" feature of  Delphi. However, I noticed that every time I reopened a project in Delphi 12 where I had previously folded the code, the code was no longer folded.

To keep your code folded in Delphi 12 you need to turn on the Save project desktop when closing option inside the IDE.

Tools > Options > IDE > Saving and Recovering

This option is unchecked in the default, out-of-the-box setup.

Delphi 12 also includes a new feature called Save editor state when closing a tab any time

Save editor state when closing a tab any time When selected, the current state for the views is saved before closing it. State info includes collapsed regions, cursor/caret position, and bookmarks.

This allows you to close and reopen a tab within the same editing session, and when the tab is reopened it will display exactly as it was when it was closed. This is similar to the Save project desktop when closing setting but functions all the time, not just when closing and reopening a whole project.

This option can only be enabled when Save project desktop when closing is checked.

Let me know in the comments what other out-of-the-box tweaks you like to make to a brand new Delphi install.

Semper Fi,
Gunny Mike